It seems Khan Academy (henceforth referenced as KA) has a pretty bad rap in some math teacher circles. I understand that the videos are somewhat lacking in the engagement factor, and motivating students with points and badges can seem somewhat elementary. I also see that KA tends to focus more on a procedure/pattern than actual problem solving. All that said, I will be using KA this year in my resource classroom. I have a group of students that are in my class for numeracy skill building/strategies instruction. I'm supposed to be teaching them 25 mins/day and allowing them 25 mins/day to work on their homework or classwork. I have students of all grade and ability levels in one resource class, so lesson planning becomes difficult. Twenty-five minutes is not a long time when you think about it, seemingly less when you think about real problem solving tasks. Enter KA. Each student can be working on exercises related to what their indivi...
a "hands-on" approach to teaching mathematics