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Trig Project Idea....suggestions?

Inspired by @krisreid72 sharing this document with @Fouss, combined with the fact that I was looking for something that my trig students (who just finished a unit on solving triangles using Law of Sines/Law of Cosines) could wrestle with while I am out of the classroom Monday and Tuesday, I came up with an idea.

The Amazing Race!
random caveat: Season 14 had a deaf participant!

I will give students 2 options -

Option 1: No real trig involved, but still challenging thought processes and more stops to make
  • Find the shortest "round-the-world" trip visiting many of the tallest buildings in the world.
    • Assume (for the current purposes of this project) that you have a private jet/helicopter that can take off/land anywhere in the world.
  • Primary tool: Google maps
Option 2: (taken from @krisreid72's project) Significant amount of trig involved, along with challenging thought processes
  • Find the quickest and safest path from the Golden Triangle to the finish line at the Mabu-mabu tribe
  • Primary tools
    • Paper map of possible trails
    • Rules/directions/important information (see page 2 of this document)
    • Law of Sines/Law of Cosines/general trig knowledge

I'm really excited about this! I was so proud of my students after their Triangle test, because they struggled through some tough problems and tried to make sense of them.  I think this will be a good opportunity to challenge their thinking skills even further and give them some freedom.  I wish I could have more trig involved in Option 1, but I'm not sure how to do it naturally.



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